Classical libertarianism, per Wikipedia, " a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association, and the primacy of individual judgment."
What would a neo-classical libertarianism look like and could it resemble a neo-classical Liberalism? Could some of us liberals, progressives, and democratic socialists be neoclassical libertarians(sic) since the use of state power for liberals and progressives is selective for many people in terms of consent and representation: a social safety net and the use of force (in all things, scale counts). This of course is in contrast to a RW conservatism so afraid of democracy that the US is a republic that is stood for by flags (as in the pledge of allegiance) and nativism rather than actions like compassion. Why else would they need to specify a "compassionate conservatism".If such a neologism works at all it is because the Left's version of the use of state power to correct moral injustice is so clearly driven by democratic ideals of pluralism rather than the RW ideological mania over fetal personhood and fear of some imagined foreign Other by its principal agents: large capitalists and megalomaniacs. Those same RWNJs also seem to believe that suffrage was a bad idea and that apartheid wasn't really given enough time.
Fracturing this dichotomy are those liberals who would demilitarize the police and disarm civilians and those who know that even in a just society at this moment in history, pathological hatred of race, class and gender can still breed. Or maybe we on the left are just Romantic "cock-eyed optimists". Or just classical liberals
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An example of those who fail to understand the difference or play between literal and figurative have tried to even rehabilitate a libertarian use of neoclassical economics
Government cannot correct market failure reliably or systematically. In fact, it is a major source of inefficiency. Thus, the neoclassical concept of efficiency, rather than providing an open-ended justification for all sorts of government intervention, instead provides one of the most powerful and comprehensive objections to government coercion in general. to be confused with neoliberalism which is what makes so many queasy with the putative Democratic nominee HRC as the anti-Warren what with HRC's connection to centrists (the DLC connection), noting that this site largely agrees with this criticism of neoliberalism which more resembles the Bernie Sanders position:
The least controversial aspect of neoliberalism has often been presented by modern economists critical of neoliberalism's role in the world economic system. Among these economists, the chief voices of dissent are Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman. Both use arguments about market failure to justify their views on neoliberalism. They argue that when markets are imperfect (which is to say all markets everywhere to some degree), then they can fail and may not work as neoliberals predict, resulting in some form of crony capitalism.And neoclassical art is associated with many things not the least of which is violent revolution in France and the rise of public art which in the case of the power of public images and spectacle, signal the rise of political communication in the public sphere using public media.